


Benchmarking System Overview

Management Application

New Features Overview Converter Setup Tab Controls Trial Balance Control Update via F9 Update via Import Upload Automatic Alerts Utility Results Account Lineup Lineup Logic Detailer Drill-Down Lineup Summary Allocation - Business Segment Executive Facts Percent of Net Revenue NPR% Patient-Day Report PPD Indirect Cost Visit Costs Cost Engineering Visit Design Advanced Business Segments Account Lineup Allocation (Advanced) CAP Calculators Rearrange Segments

Benchmarking Application

New Features Overview Executive Dashboard Cost Savings Direct Costs Indirect Costs Balance Sheet Vendor Ratings Visits Report Model Report Quality Analysis Alerts Color Coding BA Install

Decision Dashboard

Demo Overview Discipline Detail Business Segment Organization Total


Benchmarking System Manual Benchmarking Process Flowchart How to Download Benchmarking Backup Benchmark History Folder Adding Accounts - F9 Logic Adding Accounts - F9 Logic V21 Adding Accounts - F9 Logic V17 F9 Analyze to find missing accounts in the MA Adding Accounts - Import Logic Benchmarking Type and Sub-Type Logic Benchmark System Account Lineup Logic Setting Up STATCO Formulas


ADC Average Length of Stay Benefits Percent Caseload Expectations Computed Caseloads Crisis Care Percent Served Days Cash on Hand Days in AP Days in AR Debt to Equity Development to Return Ratio Development Signature Programs Direct Labor % of All Labor Direct Labor NPR Direct Labor PD Direct Patient Related Expenses NPR Direct Patient Related Expenses PD Facility Mix Percentage Facility Related Facility Team Patient Days Percent Indirect Costs PD Indirect Labor Marketing Incentive Median Length of Stay Mileage Rate Net Operational Income NPR% Net Operational Income PPD Net Revenue PD Operational Costs Organizational Net Income % of Hospice Homecare Net Revenue Revenue to Payroll Dollar Segment Indirect Percent Net Revenue Segment Net Income The Role of Financial Reserves Total Indirect Volunteer Level of Activity What is Net Patient Revenue What is The Model