MA Drill-Down Utility


This Real-View covers the handy Drill-Down utility found within the MA. Any report featuring the Drill-Down button is also enhanced to use this utility. Simply clicking a cell within a line item's row will populate the utility with all the accounts lined up to it. This will show based on if you clicked in the Organizational (All), single Business Segment, or all Business Segments matching the type for a Consolidated group.

Double-Clicking an account will take you to the account and select it to be easily found.

Clicking the Filter button filters the Account Lineup for all accounts lined up matching the Category, Type, and Sub-Type.

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Benchmarking System Overview

Management Application:

New Features Overview Converter Setup Tab Controls Trial Balance Control Update via F9 Update via Import Upload Automatic Alerts Utility Results Account Lineup Lineup Logic Detailer Drill-Down Lineup Summary Allocation - Business Segment Executive Facts Percent of Net Revenue NPR% Patient-Day Report PPD Indirect Cost Visit Costs Cost Engineering Visit Design Advanced Business Segments Account Lineup Allocation (Advanced) CAP Calculators Rearrange Segments

Benchmarking Application:

New Features Overview Executive Dashboard Cost Savings Direct Costs Indirect Costs Balance Sheet Vendor Ratings Visits Report Model Report Quality Analysis Alerts Color Coding BA Install

Decision Dashboard:

Demo Overview Discipline Detail Business Segment Organization Total